France 1-0 Belgium advances to the quarterfinals

7/2/2024 3:56:47 PM

In the 1/8 finals of the knockout round of the 2024 European Cup, France faced Belgium. In the first half, both sides attacked and defended but failed to score. In the second half, Mouani, who came on as a substitute, created an own goal for Vertonghen. In the end, the French team defeated Belgium 1-0 and successfully advanced to the quarterfinals of the European Cup.


In the 14th minute, France took a tactical corner kick, and Mbappe shot high from the left side of the penalty area. In the 24th minute, De Bruyne took a free kick that seemed to be a pass or a shot, and Maignan quickly fell to the ground and blocked it with his legs. In the 27th minute, Oponda turned around to get rid of the cross, and Carrasco followed up and shot but was blocked by Theo. In the 34th minute, Kounde made a cross from the right, and Thuram headed the ball to the top. In the 45+1 minute, Mbappe broke into the penalty area from the left and made a triangle pass, and Chuamene kicked it over the crossbar.

In the 49th minute, Chuamene's long-range shot from the outside changed direction slightly, and the goalkeeper flew out. In the 54th minute, Mbappe cut inside and broke through several players, but his shot was slightly off target. In the 61st minute, De Bruyne made a straight pass, and Carrasco's single-handed opportunity was tackled by Theo. In the 70th minute, Doku made a pass, and Lukaku's shot from the left side of the penalty area was saved by Maignan. In the 83rd minute, De Bruyne made a long shot from the outside, but unfortunately the angle was too straight and was blocked by Maignan. In the 85th minute, Kante made a straight pass to the penalty area, Muani received the ball and turned to shoot, the ball hit Vertonghen's leg and deflected into the net, France 1-0 Belgium.

At the end of the game, France defeated Belgium 1-0 and advanced to the quarterfinals of the European Cup.