European Cup-Costa penalty, zero-seal the opponent Portugal advance to the quarterfinals

7/2/2024 3:50:57 PM

In the 108th final of the European Cup knockout, Portugal played against Slovenia. In the first half, Cristiano Ronaldo threatened a free kick to create a free kick. In the second half, Celesco almost broke the goal. Cristiano Ronaldo missed the killing at the last moment. In the first half of the overtime game, Ruo Tower made a point, and Ronaldo's penalty penalty was thrown out by Obrack. In the second half of the overtime, Pepe had a fatal mistake, and Sisco's single -knife opportunity was saved by the goalkeeper. During the penalty kick, Costa rushed out of the opponent's three penalties in a row. In the end, Portugal defeated Slovenia 3-0 to advance to the quarterfinals, and will compete with France for the semi-finals.

In the fourth minute, Portugal passed on to the right, and Lao Middle Road copied the door to break the door. In the 34th minute, Cristiano Ronaldo fined a free kick directly to the goal. In the 45th+2 minutes, the low shot in the top of Palinia rubbed the pillar out of the bottom line.
In the 55th minute, Ronaldo's free kick was saved by Obrak. In the 62nd minute, Ceisco used Pepe at speed, but the final door was off the door pillar. In the 89th minute, Cristiano Ronaldo got a good chance to get a tower, and the goalkeeper was blocked by the goalkeeper at a small angle.
In the 108th minute, Portugal's frontcourt positioning ball was on the penalty area, and Obrak held the ball out of the bottom line. In the 105th minute, if the tower broke through the manufacturing penalty, Cristiano Ronaldo was punished by Obrak. In the 115th minute, Pepe made a mistake, and Caisco's excellent single -knife opportunity was resolved by Costa.
In the final penalty kick, Slovenia's first three -wheeled penalty was pushed out by Costa, while Portugal hit all. In the end, Portugal eliminated Slovenia 3-0 to advance to the quarterfinals of the European Cup.