Share bet
Copy bet
Auto Copy bet

What is share bet (sharing of bet)?

To share bet also means to Share your bet or make your bets available so that other users can copy it.

How do i share my bet?

You can Share your bet by ticking the “Share Bet” button as seen below the betslip when placing/submitting your bet?

What do i gain for sharing bet?

When you Share bet you can also set a commission that you will receive from anyone that copies your bet and wins.

Will i receive commissions when the game i shared is lost?

No, you will not receive commission in this situation. you can only receive commission from the people that copied the bet you shared when the game is won.

How much commission can i set?

You can choose to set between 2% to 10% commission.

Can i include any match to the betslip i plan on sharing?

No, Only the matches in the following leagues below can be included:






What is copy bet (copying of bet)?

To copy bet also means to place the-same bet which another user shared or made available.

where do i go to view bets shared by other users?

You can enter the shared bets page by clicking on the menu sign located at the top left of your page. Then click on “shared bet”.

How do i copy bets?

You can copy bet by clicking on the copy bet button located on the bet you want to copy.

What happens when i copy bet?

when you copy a bet,technically it means you have placed the same bet as the bet you copied.

Do i need to pay to copy bet?

Yes, you will need to pay the commission set by the person that shared the bet.

How do i pay the commission?

The commission will be deducted from the amount you won from copying the bet.

Do i need to pay commission when the game i copied is lost?

No, you only pay commission when you win the game.

What is a Sharer?

This is the user that shared the bet.

What is Total shared bet?

This is the total number of bets shared (e.g by a user).

What is Total copied bet?

This is the total number of bets copied (e.g by a user).

What is Number of times copied?

This is the number of times other users have copied a bet shared by a users.

What does “Total copied bets stake”mean?

This shows the total accumulated amount that has been staked on a shared bet by all the users that copied the bet.

What is Total times copied?

This is the total number of times all or a certain number of bets shared by a user has been copied by other users.

What is win rate (Last 10 shares)?

This shows out of 10 bets shared by a user, the total number of bets that were won.

What is Total times copied (Last 10 shares)?

This is the total number of times the last 10 bets shared by a user has been copied by other users.

What is “auto copy bet”?

This is a feature that always users to set conditions in which when a shared bet satisfies the conditions you set, the system will automatically copy the bet for you, even when you are not online.

How do i set auto copy bet?

Go to your subscription page, click settings on any one of the user you are following,and there you can set the conditions for auto copy bet, then click on confirm.

What is subscription/following?

You can subscribe or follow any user you believe to have good win rates in betting. Your subscription is the list of users you are subscribed to.

Why should i follow/subscribe to other users?

So that when they share bets you can see them immediately and also receive notifications on the bet they share.You can even decide to set auto copy bets for these users as well.

How can i follow a user?

You can follow a user by clicking on the follow button.